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Teaching people the importance of reaching their full potential through mentoring, vision, and shared life experiences
Be Creative is a mentor-based diversion program designed to help community improvement. The primary goal is to provide at-risk individuals with support and alternatives to incarceration, helping the individual detract them from destructive behavior.
While traditional programs are more reactive, Be Creative focuses on both offenders and high-risk individuals before offenses are committed. The program has a strong emphasis inclusive to gang activity, graffiti vandalism, substance abuse, and mental health related issues.
The program identifies and proactively treats the core issues in the early stage with a mission to direct its participants towards more constructive creative activities.
Be Creative focuses on the ever growing epidemic of homelessness and what steps can be made to prevent it or address it in a crisis situation. We work with organizations that provide bridge housing and other solutions for temporary and eventually permanent relief.
Understanding this sensitive and ever growing challenge is one of the top priorities for Be Creative. Providing support for depression, anxiety, ptsd, suicide, and anger management are just some of the key categories we provide assistance for. We work closely with professionals and provide assistance in getting people the help they need.
Be Creative provides professionals that help individuals understand the root of their anger issues and how to avoid triggers by facing them with an open mind. We deal with violence of all kinds including but not limited to external, domestic, and any other harmful reactions.
As an organization led from top to bottom Be Creative is led by a management team that is proud to share stories of personal sobriety and dealing with addiction. With years of sponsorship experience team works closely with rehabilitation centers and sobriety based programs. We can offer assistance in a variety of ways, during every step of addiction.
Throughout the course Be Creative has over 25 different professionals, representing all different fields and career paths. These speakers come in and share stories of both success and how they were at one point in the same situations as the people in our program. They can provide help in how to get involved and on the career path that interests them the most.
Be Creative provides a basic introductory lesson in credit, interest, and financial pitfalls to avoid. Our industry professionals include a credit expert, and a realtor that explains the importance of investing. They both share the importance of credit, fiscal responsibility, and literacy, regardless of income levels.
Be Creative partners with the City Attorney's Neighborhood Justice program to join the alternative to incarceration initiative. Through our programs we have been able to provide individuals with second chances by getting cases dismissed for qualified participants. We teach accountability through restorative focused curriculums.
Our community service projects focus on being involved helping out with a diverse range of programs. We've participated in clothing drives, homeless initiatives, clean-ups, and many other activities organized to help people. Many of the participants come from our court ordered community service programs, but just as many come in to help solely on a volunteer basis.
Understanding and addressing the complex, ongoing challenge of reducing recidivism, providing long term successful alternatives all while being able to address the serious affects of long term PTSD is ultimately the key to our Alternative To Incarceration (ATI) programs. Through support groups, lived experience mentors, and proven strategies our focus is listening and helping, not preaching or lecturing. George Gascon Los Angeles District Attorney pictured
As an art based diversion program, Be Creative uses multiple mediums and strategies to help educate our participants not only the historical and theories in art, but many applications on creating artistic pieces. The program also teaches how to prepare for solo and team related productions.
We consistently are out supporting and promoting positive agendas, by educating the public of opportunities and programs being offered. A major part of our program is working in local neighborhoods providing street and beach clean ups, graffiti removal, and general community service. A huge portion of our program teaches accountability and labor intensive work.
Be Creative STP Foundation offers a series of different after school programs and workshops for people of all ages. We can cater the program to your specific needs based on ages, interests and demographics of participants. Email for schedules and opportunities to participate.
We strive to promote teamwork and knowledge through our workshops. We have successfully created many timeless memories for people of all demographics. From families, students to fortune 500 companies, our organization can customize a curriculum exactly to fit your needs.
The staff of Be Creative has extensive, initimate knowledge of the gang culture through years of personal involement and experience. From the youth authority in the 80's to people that still contribute to help raise awareness from inside of prison today, our members share the most raw truths about that culture. The goal is always to help avoid or how to move forward to those already involved.
In the past, the city has basically only used incarceration or labor based community service to address a problem they spend millions and millions of dollars on annually to address. This unique program dives into a deeper understanding of the root issue and works to channel that energy into a productive and constructive activity. Simply put,nothing has worked. It's time to take a modern approach to a situation that has been ignored for too long.
Working with high risk individuals prior to being arrested of getting into problems is always the primary goal. Understanding how to work with first time offenders to avoid repeat offenses is always a priority. We work with individuals on alternatives and working through incidents that can shape their lives.
Be Creative specializes in the future of people that have come out of jail or post arrest directions. Understanding and working with probation and parole to help individuals avoid behaviors that lead to violations and future offenses is key. We help bridge any gaps and provide assistance with any court ordered programs
This focuses on the challenges of today like social media addiction and other peer based challenges people face today. From peer pressure, to surrounding yourself with positive influences, the program provides many examples of both constructive and destructive influences.
With over 50 different contributors, including public elected officials, that have experienced and specialize in almost every related situation, our mentoring program simply understands. We have people that listen and can provide insight on real life experiences. They can not only share stories of overcoming challenges but provide a plan and road map on how to get there. (Executive DIrector Bruno Hernandez and Senator Bob Hertzberg)
While the STP Foundation has been together, providing these services for years, 2019 is when our new flagship diversion program will officially launch. We are excited to share a combination of all of our previous successful experiences, rolled up into one all inclusive program.. With the support of the City of Los Angeles, the program officially launches out of its District 11 with the approval of councilman Mike Bonin and support of the greater community at large, we understand the importance of taking a more constructive approach and understanding on how to deal with these challenges, without just putting people in jails as the only solution. (Mike Bonin Los Angeles City Council District 11)
Each year, the City of Los Angeles spends over 7 million dollars abating graffiti vandalism; and this doesn't even include the much larger cost to private citizens and businesses who spend their own funds to remove blight. But no dollar amount can begin to confront the cost of losing countless lives of young people for whom vandalism is a gateway to much more serious and long term criminal behavior. We must interdict the escalation of criminality in these young "gateway" offenders before it becomes embedded and the most successful and positive way to do so is by implementing programs such as STP's Pre-Diversion education class. Growing up in Los Angeles... George Francisco VP Venice Neighborhood Council President Chamber of Commerce
This five-week program features a rotating curriculum with non-sequential lectures that engage students in exploring the historical aspects and understanding the core reasons that typically lead people to go down an ultimately destructive path. The difference with Be Creative is that it does not rely solely on statistics and scare tactics. We will provide creative and beneficial alternatives that invest into personal drives, energy, and talents. Every week there will be an emphasis on a range of challenges facing today’s youth showcasing experts that will share stories on how to cope and avoid falling victim to these problems. Every lecture will feature a wide range of different speakers for mentoring ending with a “Q & A” session. These speakers, all having personal and intimate knowledge on challenging situations growing up, will share how they have overcome their experiences. These experts, from a wide range of industries, will narrate their personal success stories in their specific field.
The STP Foundation, creator of Be Creative was honored at city hall in downtown Los Angeles for ten years of service to the community. By maintaining the Venice Art Wall program, it provides and gives the public a place to express themselves artistically, and explore a variety of community based programs.
We have been honored countless times by the majority of all public agencies including the City of Los Angeles, the County of Los Angeles, State Senators and Representatives, and many other local agencies and organizations.
For legal information including all governing documents, bylaws, conflict of interest policy, and financial information email or
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
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Vision Statement
Believing that OUR collective future, will be better than MY individual past.
Be Creative and the STP Foundation are always looking for contributors and volunteers. For more information please contact us for details.